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Will the VA Pay for Your Parent’s Nursing Home Care in North Carolina?

Nursing home care in North Carolina can be extremely costly, which is why the government has instituted different benefit programs to help seniors in need. One of these programs is administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. VA Health Care benefits are available to any veteran who served in the United States military on active service and received any discharge from service other than a dishonorable discharge. VA Health Care benefits provide coverage for doctor and specialist visits, mental health care services, and inpatient hospital stays, in addition to long and short-term stays in nursing homes.

The VA will provide nursing home benefits to veterans who suffer from a service-connected disability and there are benefits available to veterans who suffer from afflictions that are not service related. It is best to speak with a Guilford County elder law attorney who has experience working with VA benefits to determine what type of nursing home care your elderly parent is eligible to receive through the VA.

There are a number of nursing home types that are available to veterans receiving VA Health Benefits, including Community Living Centers, Contract Nursing Homes, and State Veteran Homes. Each provides different types of care based on eligibility requirements. Community Living Centers, which are located within VA Medical Centers, require veterans to be both medically and psychiatrically stable and provide information regarding how long they will require care.

Contract Nursing Homes provide care to elderly veterans who are discharged from VA hospitals and have been determined eligible for nursing home care by a physician. However, there are time limits attached to Contract Nursing Home stays, typically up to 6 months, but this may depend on the resources available to the nursing home.

You can locate VA Contract Nursing Homes and community centers at this website run by the Veterans Administration for North Carolina:

State Veterans Homes are administered by the state and must be approved by the VA in order for the elderly veteran to receive VA benefits. State Veterans Homes often provide the same care as a nursing home, in addition to hospital care and adult day care services.

If you are unsure about what type of VA Nursing Home care in North Carolina is available to your parent, you should speak with a Guilford County elder law attorney who can provide resources for assessing your parent’s situation.

If you would like to learn more about VA medical benefits, or if you’d like to discuss your parent’s options for VA Health Care eligibility, please set up an appointment at our Guilford County elder law office by calling (336) 378-1122.

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The Elderlaw Firm