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Steps to Take When a Loved One Enters Hospice

Greensboro Probate Lawyer: Legal Planning Steps to Take When a Loved One Enters Hospice Care 

When a loved one enters hospice care, it can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. One of the most important things to consider is estate planning—which can help ensure that your loved one’s wishes are honored and surviving family members are financially cared for. The following steps can help caregivers more smoothly navigate legal issues that arise during the end-of-life process. 

Understand Your Loved One’s Wishes 

Before beginning the estate planning process, it’s important to understand your loved one’s wishes. This helps to ensure that they are respected and honored when possible. These conversations can be difficult, but try to get a clear understanding of your loved one’s preferences so that you can make sure their desires are met when the time comes. 

Gather Important Documents 

Next, begin to gather documents that will be necessary to set up an estate plan or administer your loved one’s final affairs after their passing, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, wills (if any), insurance policies, trust documents (if applicable), and more. Staying as organized as possible now will make your life easier down the road if you become too exhausted or overwhelmed with grief in your loved one’s final days.  

Learn About Probate Court Requirements 

Probate court may be necessary to administer your loved one’s estate, even if he or she has a will. The only way to avoid probate is to have a trust. It’s important to know that the probate process can take anywhere from six months up to two years depending on the state in which your loved one lives and holds property—so it’s important to understand what may be required throughout the entire process. When it comes to this step, you will likely need to consult with a Greensboro probate attorney for assistance with the proceedings.  

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help  

Caring for a terminally ill loved one can bring up many complicated emotions – but taking proactive steps now can save caregivers time and energy down the road while helping ensure peace of mind during an otherwise difficult time. Our Greensboro probate attorneys are also here to answer any questions you may have and help your family prepare for every transition that lies ahead. To schedule an appointment, simply contact us at (336) 378-1122.  

About the author

Dennis Toman