In recent years, there has been a growing trend of people tattooing their medical wishes on their...
Category - Our Blog
Leaving Your Estate to Non-Family Members: Everything You Need to Know from Greensboro Will and Trust Attorneys
Estate planning often revolves around leaving assets to family members, but what if you want to...
Will Lawyer on What to Know When Leaving an Inheritance to a Child Struggling with Substance Abuse
As a Greensboro will lawyer, I’ve seen firsthand how substance abuse can impact families...
Elder Law Attorneys Answer, “Can the Nursing Home Take Mom’s Life Insurance?”
If you have a parent in a nursing home, you’re likely facing a lot of difficult decisions and...
Why Create a Special Needs Plan Now?
If you have a child with special needs, you may be tempted to assume that if something happens to...
Financial Strategies for Caring for Aging Loved Ones
As our family members age, taking care of their financial and medical needs becomes increasingly...
Navigating Diminished Capacity
Is Your Elderly Loved One Showing These Signs of Diminished Capacity? Here’s What You Can...
Will Lawyers Answer, “Can an Email Serve as My Last Will and Testament?”
When it comes to estate planning, many people wonder if they can simply write their wishes down in...
The Dangers of DIY Estate Planning
Greensboro Estate Attorney on The Dangers of DIY Planning—Especially When You Have a Child with...
Steps to Take When a Loved One Enters Hospice
Greensboro Probate Lawyer: Legal Planning Steps to Take When a Loved One Enters Hospice Care When...