Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I love my children, but when it comes to my future...
Category - Our Blog
Expect the Unexpected: A Greensboro Special Needs Lawyer’s Guide to Contingency Planning
As parents of children or adults with special needs, we often find ourselves lost in thought about...
Greensboro Asset Protection Lawyer: Safeguarding Your Future as a Physician
If you’re a new doctor building your practice or a seasoned physician branching out on your...
Greensboro Estate Lawyer: Protecting Your Home (and Your Heart) in Later-Life Marriages
Finding love later in life is a beautiful thing. But sometimes, the realities of life and past...
Greensboro Estate Planning: Protecting Your Children When You’re Their Only Parent
As a single parent, your plate is already full. You’re juggling work, childcare, school...
Greensboro Estate Lawyer: Should Your Healthcare Agent and Power of Attorney Be the Same Person?
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to put off estate planning. But as a...
Elder Care Navigator Blog – June 2024
Within a single week of the month of June, it will be Father’s Day, the Longest Day and the...
Elder Care Navigator Blog – May 2024
What happens if one of us gets sick? This is a frequent question from clients and one that begs an...
What is a Postnuptial Agreement? Protecting Your Assets and Your Legacy in Greensboro
While the idea of a “prenup” is well-known, postnuptial agreements are often overlooked...
Hidden Wealth: Planning for Mineral Rights in Your Estate Plan
Many Americans unknowingly own mineral rights, or have the potential to inherit them. These rights...