Spencer Kolada

Marketing Intern

Spencer Kolada has been an invaluable member of our marketing team since the summer of 2021. As a senior Marketing major at UNC Greensboro, Spencer brings a wealth of knowledge and creativity to our projects. His expertise in preparing presentations, designing fliers, and promoting our initiatives on social media has been instrumental in our success.

Outside of work, Spencer is an avid sports fan who loves watching baseball and the NFL. His dedication and innovative approach have made a significant impact on our marketing efforts, helping us reach and engage with a broader audience.

About the author

Dennis Toman

With all four grandparents, plenty of uncles and aunts, plus lots of cousins of all ages and two younger siblings, Dennis understood the love and laughter and closeness that family means. With all of his grandparents farmers, Dennis learned quickly what hard work, being frugal and planning ahead for hard times meant.

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